
United States Postal Service

Eagle has developed custom embedded software for the United States Postal Service since 1992. Eagle’s commitment to quality hardware and software has saved the USPS tens of millions of dollars since 1992. Our wide range of expertise has allowed us to provide USPS with a number of large scale solutions to manage an ever increasing amount of mail. Our solutions arrive on time and on budget, and provide real productivity gains. Here are a few of the services we have provided:

Program Management

We act as representatives of the Postal Service to review vendor software, coordinate testing and deployment schedules, review vendor test plans, attend all testing, and provide comprehensive reports to USPS managers. use their in-depth understanding of USPS needs to accurately assess

Camera Testing

Eagle provides comprehensive testing of the barcode recognition capabilities of vendor camera offerings. We generate the test data, produce the physical test decks, conduct the test (at USPS or vendor facilities), provide statistical analysis of the results, and provide test reports to USPS managers.

Web-based Data Collection and Reporting

Eagle develops and supports web-based data collection and reporting systems. These systems collect data from USPS mail equipment systems around the country, then display the data on easy-to-use websites. This allows USPS managers to monitor critical systems from their desktop browsers.


Eagle provides testing and evaluation services for enterprise-wide systems that being considered for purchase by the Postal Service. Our test engineers use their in-depth understanding of client needs to accurately assess the quality and benefit of new automation efforts.

Equipment Upgrades

Eagle has replaced end-of-life hardware with upgraded computers and software. Eagle has also improved legacy systems that were thought to be running at maximum capacity. Our enhancements have extended the life of equipment life and significantly increased the amount of mail that is machine-recognized and sorted. We are experts with real-time, networked computers that are used to read and sort two hundred million pieces of mail each night.

Postal Data

Eagle has a thorough understanding of the contents and format of USPS data bases. We know the strengths and weaknesses of the data, how to best put it to use, and we have developed many automated tools that are used for analyzing postal data.


In 2002, Eagle completed its first sale of hardware to USPS, providing 100 Universal Replacement Processors (URP). These were delivered on-time, on-budget, and fully configured, ready for immediate use. Since then, Eagle has continued to provide the URP, URP-II, and Universal Recognition Node (URN) on an ongoing basis




Eagle developed an on-line sports team administration web site for Leageez. Leageez can control all aspects of league management from the convenience of your phone, tablet or computer.



Eagle provides software development services to CRMC, the leader in the resolution of asbestos claims. CRMC partners with trusts to deliver smooth, seamless, claims resolution operations. CRMC offers their flexible e-Claims electronic claims processing system to speed claims processing, increase efficiency, and lower costs. Processes are automated based on user selection such as automatic generation of offers or denials upon completion of claim evaluation. CRMC makes communication with law firm filers and its client trusts the focus of its efforts.